Milk and dairy products provide essential nutrients and are an important source of dietary energy, high-quality proteins and fats. Dairy fat was regarded as the most valuable component of milk, but there is a close relationship between the protein and fat content of milk – the more protein is there, the more fat is. Our system allows determining the content of total nitrogen by the Kjeldahl method. The protein content in dairy products is estimated by multiplying the determined nitrogen content by a nitrogen-to-protein conversion factor.

In order to monitor the relationship of proteins and fats constantly the BEGER company offers its equipment for the analysis:

Nitrogen determination according to the Kjeldahl method

Nitrogen determination according to the Kjeldahl method

1) Digestion unit IDU series
2) Scrubber SWP
3) Steam distillation unit SDU series

Fat determination according to the Soxhlet method

Fat determination according to the Soxhlet method

Soxhlet extraction system FAT series